Dig Deeper
Duration: 2 days
DAY 1 Saturday 18th September 9am - 5pm
DAY 2 Sunday 19th September 10am - 4pm
ThetaHealing Technique is great for getting to the origin of one’s Limiting Core Beliefs that cause blocks in expression of one’s true light. In this “DIG DEEPER” course you will be taught an incredible technique called "Digging" for limiting beliefs. This exercise allows one to comfortably discover the elusive and deep subconscious thoughts and beliefs that are blocking one’s inner expression. ThetaHealing Technique uses unconditional love, belief & feeling work to clear these.
This seminar is designed to give more indepth knowledge of this essential technique. Thus a more solid grounding is experienced enabling one to become more confident and proficient at finding yours/ clients core beliefs. In order to successfully identify the origin of the problem it is imperative to know what beliefs need changing.
With the completion of the “Dig Deeper” course you will have a more proficient knowledge and experience to enhance your confidence in working on a deeper level with yourself/others. You will have a deeper knowledge of Thetahealing technique through this course which will assist you further with the process of finding, releasing and uncovering hidden limiting beliefs and replacing them with positive downloads. Under the guidance of your instructor you will receive many opportunities to practice this technique during the two days of this course.
Seminar Includes: ThetaHealing Digging for Beliefs Manual
Duration: 3 Days
DAY 1 Friday 20th August 3pm - 8.30pm
DAY 2 Saturday 21st August 9am - 5pm
DAY 3 Sunday 22nd August 10am - 4pm
The Advanced ThetaHealing Seminar expands the information in the Basic Seminar to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence that surround us.
You will learn how to clear old resentments, vows and commitments that hold you back. Also how to “Heal the Broken Soul” & “Baby in the Womb” exercises. You will receive downloads from the instructor that will bring profound healing and enlightenment to you.
This seminar is a delightful experience as students are filled with many new and positive feelings such as knowing how to appreciate the now and also a deeper understanding of what self acceptance feels like from the Seventh Plane.
As a student of ThetaHealing you will continue learning and mastering belief work, enhance your knowledge of downloads and learn how to differentiate between the different planes of existence. Enhancing & Exploring a deeper knowledge of the Planes of Existence in this Advanced DNA course building on the information from the Basic DNA course.
With the completion of the Advanced Practitioner Seminar you will gain a more profound foundation in the basics of ThetaHealing.
Seminar Includes: Advanced ThetaHealing® All That Is & ThetaHealing® Advanced Manual
This seminar is taught over 3 consecutive days.
Prerequisites: Basic DNA
Duration: 3 Days
DAY 1 Friday 23rd July 3pm - 8.30pm
DAY 2 Saturday 24th July 9am - 5pm
DAY 3 Sunday 25th July 10am - 4pm
The Basic DNA introduces the ThetaHealing techniques and focuses on activating the 12 strands of DNA within each participant.
The heart of this seminar is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed. In ThetaHealing we believe you inherit beliefs and emotions from your ancestors. This level we call the genetic level.
The students experience an opening to the Unconditional Love of the Creator Of All That Is. The student will learn to identify his/her own beliefs as well as to practice pulling them for others in the seminar. This practice can quickly reveal systems of belief, showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones.
Recent articles have proven genetic beliefs can be passed down.
Other topics and exercises include:
Learn why we create things in our life and what we learn from it
Learn discernment when working with guides and guardian angels
Introduction to manifesting in your life
Future readings
Balancing your moods
Seven Planes of Existence
The Power of Connecting to the Creator of All That Is
The ThetaHealing Basic DNA seminar is the first seminar to certify you as a ThetaHealing Practitioner. The Basic DNA - Advanced DNA - Dig Deeper are the main seminars that will give you the tools to advance as a ThetaHealing Practitioner
Seminar Includes: ThetaHealing® Book and ThetaHealing® Manual
Prerequisites: None

Course 1 -
ThetaHealing Practice day offers the opportunity to practice various exercises that were introduced and learned in the Basic & Advanced DNA courses. By practicing the ThetaHealing Technique roadmap to the 7th plane of Existence, to the Creator of All That Is energy, the more limiting beliefs you can clear. By recognising how these have served you in the past and what positive qualities and virtues you have learned from them and how to release and replace to the point of transformation into positive downloads. The more practice you do in this the easier and more freeing it becomes. Limiting / Blocking Beliefs can weigh heavier than the ones you choose to replace them with for your Highest & Best always.
Surviving to thriving, letting go of those limiting beliefs and being free to make more positive choices, conscious positive thoughts and feelings instead of feelings of having to.
During this practice day you will be reminded of how easy it is to change, to be positive, to dream, to imagine and to delve into the multi-dimensional aspects of yourself that you truly are with a lightness and joy. These are some of the benefits of ThetaHealing Technique and process that is there for the taking in the totality of you spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
Prerequisites: Basic DNA
Language(s): English
Total Seminar Amount: €75 (Dublin & North of Dublin)
Deposit Amount: €35
Seminar Balance on the day: €40

Course 3 - ThetaHealing Advanced DNA
ADVANCED DNA course is a continuation of the introductory process of BASIC DNA.
Advanced ThetaHealing Seminar expands the ThetaHealing Technique experience to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence that surround us.
Learn how to clear resentments, vows, and commitments. Healing the “Baby in the Womb” exercise is a very freeing exercise as is “Healing the Broken Soul” . Returning Soul Fragments given away to a loved one subconsciously and those soul fragments taken on board from another, when these are back with their rightful owner then a more completion of the process of consciuos existence continues with more ease and grace. This exercise enables the soul to a clearing of the way forward in a lighter way. All cells communicate with each other and the more harmony that is within the more health and wealth and abundance and freedom of choice becomes a very special gift on all levels of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual arena. The Heart song exercise and many more awaits you.
Prerequisites: BASIC DNA
Language(s): English
Total Seminar Amount: €360 EUR
Deposit Amount: €100 EUR
Seminar Amount: €260 EUR

Course 2 - ThetaHealing® Basic DNA
ADVANCED DNA course is a continuation of the introductory process of BASIC DNA. Return of Soul Fragments lost in past relationships. Heart song exercise.
ThetaHealing Practitioner Courses are open to everyone whether you wish to use it for yourself or if you are an existing Practitioner to add it to your toolkit. The Subconscious mind is 90% of our brain which holds memories and beliefs. By connecting to a Theta brainwave one can access hidden beliefs that can be somewhat stunting in the process of imagining and achieving your goals. The ThetaHealing Technique carries within it the process of discovering, uncovering and opening up possibilities that have always existed in the imagination, bringing them to the fore and clearing limiting aspects of beliefs while at the same time replacing them with positivity. With practical guidelines over the 3 days you can discover and experience some life changing tools that are very easy to practice once you know what they are and how to access them.
Prerequisites: Basic DNA
Language(s): English
Total Seminar Amount: €360
Deposit Amount: €100
Balance due prior to start date: €260

Course 4 - ThetaHealing® Dig Deeper
ThetaHealing Technique is a direct line in getting to the origin of deeper issues through an incredible technique called "digging". This narrative approach allows you to comfortably discover the elusive deep subconscious thoughts and beliefs that can block a person. This process is easy to learn and with practice becomes more efficient and effective so when theThetaHealing technique is applied with the Belief & Feeling work it helps to clear these blocks.
Prerequisites: NONE
Language(s): English
Total Seminar Amount: ??? EUR
Deposit Amount: ??? EUR
Seminar Amount: ??? EUR